Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

2 Jun 2024


 I'm finding that blogs are becoming less popular, with social media more popular. I tend to post on Facebook more than I do here. So if your desperate to find out more about me and what I get up to, you can find me at my Facebook account.

7 Apr 2024

Broken Ankle

 Well, after a bit of an error in leaving my disc lock on, added to the fact I now have a DCT (auto) bike I have been left with a badly broken ankle. I now have a matching pair. Anyway I thought it may be helpful to document my treatment and recovery to maybe help someone else. 

24th February. 

The day the accident happened at Tesco. Lots of people came to my aid and waited with me while a waited for an ambulance. The wait was five hours! But fortunately a colleague from work offered to take me. Arrived there at 1830 and A&E sent me straight through due to the swelling increasing and the threat of bone breaking the skin.

After X-Ray I was taken to rhesus where the fracture was reduced. This involved Ketamine and a lot of pulling. Unfortunately not enough drug was given and it was a little painful. I did get an apology and explanation that the concern was so great they just wanted to get it done. Interestedly, I was told that if the ambulance had been called they would have done this without sedation!

The following few days were spent waiting for the swelling to reduce enough for surgery, nice room though.

Surgery day arrived and there were lots of options, some not pleasant. Fortunately I ended up with just one fracture fixed with the other left to heal on it's own.

I was left with a back slab to enable the leg to swell. Another day in hospital then discharged with return to hospital on the 11th March.

11th March.

Back to hospital for x-ray and stiches removal.

All healing nicely and no further intervention needed. This did mean that recovery would be longer than my previous fracture.

Today, 8th April 2024. 

Visit to the fracture clinic where an x-ray revealed the break is healing nicely so the cast was removed and I've been issued with a boot to wear when outside. I can now fully weight bear and had the first proper shower in six weeks! The images below show the repair and the condition of my leg when the cast was removed.

Just to start planning on a return to work.

10 Mar 2023

Weather Station

 For a long while I have only been able to upload my weather data to a few services, and more annoyingly I've been unable to upload to APRS.

However, that's changed and thanks to the Cumulus MX software I am now able to upload to more services and view my station in a much better way.

The data can be viewed in the following places.

AWEKAS  Midsomer Norton

Weather for REDFIELD - a Personal Weather Station in Midsomer Norton, United Kingdom | PWSWeather

Midsomer Norton - Weathercloud | Global network of weather stations

Met Office WOW -

Redfield weather (qsl.net)

Current local weather

Uk Power production