Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

28 Dec 2009

Christmas and lots of bus work.

Nice Christmas spent with family and trust yours was good as well. Lots of bus work over the last couple of weeks. Had a spare week, Park and Ride with split shifts.Don't mind these as most people have the correct money and are pleased to see you and some good vehicles to drive. The only incident was while doing some overtime or 'In between duty' Approaching a stop while in traffic I noticed a lady looking up and down the road as if waiting for someone to pick her up. She came over to me and asked 'do you stop here' I said yes as the traffic was still stopped. She went to pick up her bags and I loaded another passenger as the traffic was still stopped. About 10minutes latter and 100m latter I was stopped at traffic lights. Suddenly a man apeared at the front of the bus shouting I had not stopped at the stop!! It would appear he was connected with the lady who had obviously thought I would wait while she completed her shopping!! He and the lady then commenced a full scale assault on the bus, both verbal and physical. In situations like this I do nothing I try to ignore the person and without running them over continue to drive forward. Fortunately another driver saw what was happening and 'removed' the man from the road. What the lady should have done was after asking me if she 'could get on' was to do just that!! Once again passengers never cease to amaze me.

13 Dec 2009

Bit shaken up

All early shifts this and last week so beginning to get tired. I have yet to come across anyone working shifts who does not suffer on early shifts. I have found a half hour sleep on the back seats makes a hugh difference and going to bed early! Yesterday I came across something that left me a bit shaken, just after the Turnpike on the A4 I noticed a car stopped and something on the road. My first thought was that it was a motorcyclist who may have cut the corner and not made it. As I got closer it became clear it was a  pedestrian, it was before 0500. It appeared she had been stuck by a taxi and looking at the car it would appear it was going at around the limit for the road, 60mph. Fortunately the emergency service were already being summoned and there were several other people on scene. These things do not often affect me but this one left me thinking how easy it is for your life to completly change is a split second. I hope this was just an accident and the pedestrian recovers and the driver involved is OK

6 Dec 2009

Bike update

Thought you might be interested,or not, to know how the motorcycle is going. Well, very well at present. It is now nearly two years old and in daily use. As you may know it is a Chinese HT125-8 and many people think they are cheap so will fall apart. Like anything they just need to be looked after and keep on top of repairs. It so far has cost me under £2000 including the cost of the bike new, and still does nearly 100mpg!!!


Interesting watching Eastenders this week. When they have certain stories they have a 'if you have been affected' ring this number. However the story line contained an accident caused by the driver falling asleep at the wheel. As over 300 people are believed to die each year as a result of this perhaps it should have. Still road safety does not seem to as 'sexy' as, say teenage runaways or drug abuse.

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