Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

24 Dec 2012

Happy Christmas and thank you

So, here we are at another Christmas. This one is looking much better than last year. This year has not been the best but looking back it is very true that all those problems make you stronger and appreciate life much more. I have also come to realise that God will not abandoned me and will always provide the things I need rather than those I want. I would also like to thank all those that have helped me over the year. That help has come in many ways. Most very small, and that is also something I have come to realise this year that it is the small things, like asking someone how they are and stopping to listen that can make all the difference. So a big Thank You to you all and Happy Christmas and I hope 2013 is a happy one for you.

11 Dec 2012

Parking on Bus Stops

Some people seem to think it is OK to park or stop at Bus Stops. You may see this as a trivial matter but I will give you a couple of situations that might change your view.

You are a young lad and ring the bell for the bus to stop. Due to a parked blue badge holder nipping into the shop to get his fags and paper the bus is unable to get to the stop and stops in the road. The driver warns you he is not at the stop and to be careful.As you step off the bus a cyclist comes alongside the bus, wrongly assuming the bus is stopped in the traffic and not alighting passengers, it misses you but leaves you swearing at the bus driver.

You are an elderly lady and ring the bell for the bus to stop. Due to a lorry unloading the driver is unable to get to the raised kerb. The drivers lowers the bus but it still a good 6 -9 inch step down. You are using your walker and become very worried about how you are going to get off. Before the driver can get out of his cab a boarding passenger helps you down. You thank everyone and go and give the van driver an ear full.

You are blind and have your dog with you. You ask the driver to let you know when you are at your stop. the bus stops but the driver tells you that he has had to stop away from the raised kerb due to a parked car. You ask him to help you and your dog. He takes the dog and then helps you down on to the road, helps you to the kerb and ensures you and your dog know where you are and you go on your way.

So next time you think of parking or stopping on a bus stop, please don't.

9 Dec 2012

Meningitis, a year on.

It is hard to believe that is a year since I contracted Viral Meningitis. This changed my life and I thought it would be a help for anyone suffering from this to see what recovery is like. I thought maybe some bullet points would be the best way to show my recovery.  

  • December 2011. Emergency admission and week spent in hospital.
  • January 2012. Returned to work.
  • April 2012. Headaches reduced and feely more 'myself'.
  • October 2012. Period of depresstion as began to realise what I had gone through.
  • November 2012. First time I had felt 'Me' and not frighted about contracting it again.
  • December 2012. Still some short term memory and tiredness issues.
This is a very brief outline of the last year but I hope it shows that the recovery, although long is almost 100%. It should also be noted that some of the above can also be put down to age and general life fluctuations. More information can be found at these two excellent sites.



Finally some advice on what to do if you suspect someone has Meningitis.
  • Call NHS Direct/NHS 24 or your GP.
  • Go to your nearest accident and emergency department.
  • Dial 999 for an ambulance.
  • Describe the symptoms carefully and say that you think it could be meningitis or septicaemia.
  • Early diagnosis can be difficult. If you have had advice and are still worried, get medical help again.
  • Trust your instincts.

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