Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

12 May 2009

Renewal time

Well age has finally caught up with me. For those of you who do not know holders of PSV and HGV licences have to renew them when they reach 45 and then every five years after that. I have reached the first milestone. Today was my medical which went OK.
However, I have to send my licence off to the DVLA and having seen BBC Watchdog
I was a little concerned as I do not want to loose my bike entitlement so I have :

  • Sent a letter to my MP. He has been very helpful and contacted DVLA for me
  • Kept copies of my licence
  • Taken a trip to DVLA in Bristol. They were very helpful. They checked my application, stamped my copy with a DVLA stamp, and even sent it off without me buying a stamp. They also gave me a receipt which at least ,means if I get stopped I do have prove I have a licence.
So I now have to wait a couple of weeks to see if I still have a bike licence. I am wondering if I should should pay £5 to get my details under the Freedom of Information Act?


Ricky said...

I was searching for the HGV Training School & HGV Jobs specialist,I found this one to be most suitable to earn £2,200 per month with just
five days of training...thanks for your post. you can also check it out...

Stephen said...

Hi Chris, catch up time, Stephen is back from his holidays and is catching up on the posts of his favourite bloggers! Only had time to wave at Ken Ryall in LVCS this morning, won't be long before he retires! This post startled me as I have not ridden a motorcycle since 1991. My group A has continued with my PCV licence renewal. Looking at your hypertext link to the Watchdog website I suggest you go the route of licence revealing to the Police when you had your seat belt problem and the renewal of your motorcycle insurance with it's licence declaration rather than the letter to your MP or a re-test. This whole CBT thing is far greater than what I did in 1978 when the examiner walked around the pavements in Bristol as I rode past on a Yamaha RD125DX.

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