Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

18 Aug 2009

Wot, no home!

Back at work after New Wine and surprised at how busy things are. Today 0530, FULL! Still better than running around empty. The saga of the house hunting continues. For those of you who do not know the house it which we live (rent) is being demolitied and turned into flats. Therefore we have to find somewhere to live. That is proving difficult in that we have Felix and Harvey (cat and dog) and also we have even been 'gurzumped'! Still we are packing everything up so if after the end of September we still have not found somewhere we at least can show we have been trying and are ready to go. So if you know of a 2+ bed house in BA2, 3,4 or surrounding areas, let us know.

11 Aug 2009

Bike Fixed

Couple of days off and the sun is shinning. Motorbike has had a couple of faults for a while so today was the day. First fault was the lack of a earth in the headlight area. I assumed this was a loose wire and after stripping the loom apart finally found that where all the earth's are joined together had corroded. It was a simple matter of cutting back the wires and soldering them back together. The next was the electric start. Should have listen to people, turned out it was the side stand switch, cutting and joining the wires together solved the problem. Just proves that they are all simple fixes, just a bit complicated to find them!! Now to get on with the packing.

10 Aug 2009

New Wine Finished

Well that's it New Wine over for another year. Second week was a lot better. Still some rain but nowhere near the first week. No real drama but still the main duties to do, gates seminars etc. Last day though was very busy. Site has to be cleared ready for Soul Survivor. Rooms had to be cleared and over 1000 chairs to be stacked!! team work once again won through and the evening finished with a few drinks and a bit of food.

1 Aug 2009

New Wine week1

Fiona and I have once again been serving on the Stewards team at New Wine. This is something we do every year and we both get a great deal of pleasure from it. The duties of a Steward are to enable delegates (over 10000) to be free to meet with God at what ever level of Faith they are at. These include manning the gates, ensuring the 'no wheel' zone is enforced. manning seminars to ensure they are safe (not overcrowded), keeping the site tidy, carry out regular patrols of the camp site to ensure they are safe and to generally assist delegates in any way we can. However this week has thrown up some real challenges. Rain and a great deal of it fell almost all week and turned a large part of the camp site into a mud bath. Stewards were called in to evacuate many people and to sandbag parts of the site to try and prevent too much damage to peoples possessions. This really become a war of attrition and tested people to the limits. However at the end I do not think any one got hurt and continued their week. Friday was a good dry day and many packed up good job as Saturday saw some of the heaviest rain of the week. I will post some pictures when I can retrive them from my phone.

Current local weather

Uk Power production

UK Electricity National Grid Status output per production type