Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

7 Sept 2013

Law Enforcement

I am in the main a law abiding citizen.I do admit to at times riding at a little over the limit however always when conditions 'permit' However, I am becoming slightly concerned at the number of people I see obviously breaking some 'serious' laws. I refer to mobile phone use, seatbelts speeding in built up areas. If I, and others, see these on a regular bases why does it seem so hard to bring these people to justice. Could not a PCSO be positioned at a road junction and simply photograph these people? Maybe I am seeing the situation from a too simplistic angle, or maybe more than one person needs to witness the offence. I have reported incidents about dangerous driving but always told it has to be seen by someone else. This, is I assume to protect their 'human rights'. Happy days.

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