Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

27 Nov 2006

Not much going on.

Well, enjoying a few days off. Means I can relax in the evenings with a few beers. Worked on Saturday to help another driver. Very wet and windy day!! Back to work tomorrow so take it easy today. Tonight off to cell group so will leave at 2100 to get a good nights sleep.

18 Nov 2006

What happens when a pheasant hits a coach?

Well early start and a lovely day until we broke down. had to get a coach sent out so was nearly 1 hour late when we hit the M4. Just got to the roadworks and BANG! The photo's tell the rest.

This is what a pheasant can do. But what would have happened had it been 1 foot lower??

The rest of the day was good and the window got fixed later.

16 Nov 2006

My pet hates

Rather than my usual ramblings I thought I would list my top hates on the road
  1. Middle lane hogers. They are one of the most dangerous groups of drivers. They seem unaware of the danger they cause.
  2. Mobile phone users. Enough said.
  3. Tail sitters. They sit just on your tail in the middle lane and match your speed.
  4. Overtakers who pull in front and slow down 2 miles from a junction.
  5. Drivers who do everything but drive.
  6. Old drivers
  7. Drivers who seem unable to drive over 30mph in the dark.
  8. Once a year motorway drivers.
  9. Drivers who not use their mirrors or even do not fold them out.
  10. All the other prats who should not have a licence.

11 Nov 2006

Bus work today & Wells carnival

Had a change today. Rest day working. Been on the Park and Ride. All around Bath so made a change, most of the passengers were Ok, apart from some prat who could not read. I had 74 seated and 15 standing but the bus does not look full, his comment 'how would you get on in London' ? Well the buses are not the same and have more standing space. Still it washed over me as usual. Sunday is a day off so enjoying a nice pint of real ale.

Forgot to say, went to Wells carnival yesterday. Nice curry before with friends and then enjoyed the hugh floats. Good night but got soaked.

5 Nov 2006


Today was the Frome up, ie start at Frome and travel through Wiltshire and Berkshire to London. It was an early start 0515 and due to driving rules I had to have a 45min break at Frome before I set off. It was very foggy in places but for the most part sunny , but very cold. As it was Sunday not much traffic about so arrived in London in good time. Time for a break and some food. Left for Bath at 1230 and a very good trip back with no problems and several compliments over my driving. Arrived home at 1630 for a nice chilled out evening watching other peoples fireworks.

4 Nov 2006


Well back after a lovely couple of days in the garden and dog walking. Was on the 'overnight' so had some bus work to do. Due to the traffic the coach arrived late. Howewever after refuelling and cleaning we got away on time. Just on the way aout of Bath some joker went to park right in the middle of a one way street.
Still had a good trip up and a goods night sleep in the hotel.

1 Nov 2006

Two days off

Not a bad day today. On the late one and as usual ran late. I do wonder if people in high places really know what is going on. Anyway less of the moans, all in all a good trip up and back, got in to Bath at 0000 and back home by 0030. have two day's off now so off to tax the cars and take the tree cuttings to the dump. The apple tree looks a bit sad. If it stays dry may have a go at that on Thursday.

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