Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

30 Aug 2007

Training Course

Had a change today. Attended a training course on advanced driving. It is called the Smith System. It is all about reading the road and giving yourself time and space. very good I thought and well worth any driver giving it a go.

28 Aug 2007

Walk up Penn Hill, near Wells.

Yesterday was a Bank Holiday and for once I was not working (will miss the money). Spent most of the day clearing the garage cutting the grass and catching up on other jobs around the house. Sitting having my lunch in front of the telly thought, it is a fantastic day, crazy to be inside. So Harvey and I set off up Penn Hill. This is the site of the main TV mast for the area. We had a great time and I was amazed how few people we saw. The views from the top are stunning. You can see to the coast at Weston Super Mare, over to Bristol and Bath and down the Blagon Hills in the south. Took the radio and gps and the trig point is at 1006Ft above sea level.

Here are the pictures I took.

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24 Aug 2007

Mobile Phones on coaches

last few days has been fairly uneventful, everything going well and on time. Only problem is that I have been on earlies.
The thing I want to comment on today is passengers using mobile phones on board. I have no problem with this but I usually mention in it in my safety brief asking passengers to keep mp3 player volumes and mobile phone conversation to a reasonable level. However today the definition of reasonable was pushed a bit, well a lot!! I am not saying she was loud but by the time we got to Swindon the whole coach knew were she had been on holiday and the fact she did want to drive a train. I did try to ask them to keep the volume down but the traffic was such I did not have an opportunity. So if you are on a coach please remember the other people around you, they cannot walk away, so keep conversation to a minimum and then try and not shout at the phone!!!!
Given the work I do and people I meet I am seriously thinking of writing a book using some of these characters.

16 Aug 2007

Mrs (I can not park) & Mr angry

Well been back at work for a few days and the usual mix of city bus and coach work. However today I seem to have had my share of problems. I did Bristol for a bit extra. On the way back rounded a corner to be faced with a car parked at least 1 foot from the kerb. The lady passenger smiled at me and after indication from me and a blast on the horn she moved in to the driver seat. She then moved the car forward toward me thereby causing us both to be jammed!! A gentleman(not so gentle) came out and seeing the situation immediately assumed I had cut the corner and blocked the lady!!!
I do not think he used any word that I could print here. He then moved the car to the position I had indicated the lady should have moved to in the first place!! he continued his torrent of abused. Anyway the journey continued, and apart from having to pass various stops because I was full. Without incident. As the passengers were leaving a passenger handed me his details and offered to be a witness to the fact that the abuse given to me was completely uncalled for.
I then jumped on to the 403 coach and went to Heathrow to pick our nephew up. Nice to be a passenger for once.

7 Aug 2007

Driver of the year

Some good news for a change.

Just come back from Bristol where I received my award for coming 3rd in the regional heat of the Driver of the Year competition.

I received a certificate and a small financial reward. Not bad for knowing the Highway Code and keeping my nose clean.

Well done to the top 2 who go on to Blackpool to compete for the big prize of £1500.

2 Aug 2007

Chilling out and driver of the year.

Two days off and apart from the rain today, not bad. Been down to see Fiona at New Wine. She is having a good time serving and enabling over 110000 Christians to meet with the Lord. I will be down there next week and I am really looking forward to it. Back to work tomorrow and hope to find out more about a presentation I am going to. It appears that I have come third in the local heat of the Driver of the Year competition. There is to be a presentation next week so assume I will have to wear a tie!!! Anyway has put a spring in my step. Sun is out now and must think about tea. Not quite the same on your own, well plus the dog and cat!!

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