Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

29 Dec 2007

Up early

Couldn't sleep so up having a cup of tea. Putting some sky+ stuff on to a disc for my Father in Law and surfing the web. Just had a look at who has been looking at the blog. Found a couple of interesting blogs and have added them to the list. The Ambulance one is very sobering. That is one job I could not do. Not just the blood bits, but having to help people, some who seem to have just pressed the self destruct button.

28 Dec 2007

An embarrassing situation

Bit of a quite time over Christmas came down with a cold and felt a bit of a wet drip. had to start early day after Boxing Day, so despite visitors, I was in bed at 1830!! Alarm call at 0320 and still feeling a bit coldly headed off for work. Took three coaches until one good one could be dug out so a good start. Full coach and left Bath about 10 mins late. Good run up and into Victoria on time. Did the usual and got my head down for an hours kip. Awoke at 0910 to get ready. Only made it as far the front seats when things did not seem that good, in fact the next thing I remember is waking up on the floor!!! Hit the redial on the phone and got my boss, she told me to get to the office and get a first aider. I was not sure really where I was but arrived at office completely soaked in sweat. I did not even have to ask, a first aider was called and it was ascertained that I seemed to be suffering from the 'flu' type virus which seems to be doing the rounds. Very, very unpleasant, but not life threatening ( at least not for me) In the mean time there was still a service to run.
This is where my hat goes off to the back ground staff. They not only looked after me but had to arrange for the passengers at Victoria to get to Heathrow to pick up a coach to Swindon and Bath. My coach was stuck on the bay and was supposed to be the 1345 from Bath. I was in no condition to worry but everything was sorted and a place was found on a coach to get me home.
I did not work today and are not back until the 2nd so hopefully will be 100% by then.
Maybe I should have seen it coming, even the dog tried to stop me getting out of the house!

25 Dec 2007

Merry Christmas and catch up

A very Merry Christmas to you. I hope Santa brought all that was on your list, (you did send a list??)
Thought I would take some time to bring things up to date and get make to more regular posts.

  • Sky broadband is going great now, running at about 4MB so not bad.
  • It has been very busy at work, hugh amount of passengers and even after three years people still cease to amaze me. Here are some of the top ones.
  1. Booking a flight to China (or other non EU destination) and only allowing 2 hours to get from Bath to check in. And getting in a blind panic when the coach breaks down or gets stuck in traffic.
  2. As above but not even booking the coach ticket and then complaining the coach is full.
  3. Booking for the wrong day and saying it must be my fault that the coach is full!! I must say this is easy to do so YOU MUST CHECK YOUR TICKET!!!
  4. Not knowing what terminal the flight goes from.

However for all the above most passengers are great like a bit of a laugh and will thank you for providing a comfortable and safe journey.
I am off until the 28th. I am on the 0445 from Bath!! I have a cold so a bit grumpy at the moment, but what's new???

13 Dec 2007

Back and running

Well and VERY busy couple of weeks, moving. I have never been so tired so glad it is all done. Broadband is back on. Gave up on Talk Talk, who are still sending letters to the old address and do not seem to have realised I have moved. If you thinking of moving be very careful who you use for your phone etc. You may get a shock when you come to move. Any way I have gone with Sky. So far very impressed router was delivered, wireless. Connected on the day they said and the speed is nearly up to the 2MB I am paying for.
Not to much to report on work front, did work some of my holiday so I nice wage this week. yesterday was a bit of a mare, just about to leave bath when the Oil warning light came on. Off went the engine and a 45 minute wait for breakdown. It was a stuck sensor in the end but I did not want to risk it. Had a passenger going to China who was getting very upset about the delay. When I quizzed her, the flight was a 1100. I am not due at Heathrow until 0930 and she had to get to T3. We finally got to the airport at 1045 so I wonder if she got it. We always say allow an hour before check in to arrive at the airport and I would always prefer to be at the airport then stressing on a bus.

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