Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

30 Apr 2008

Schools, Women and Mobile Phones

Just come off the overnight. Not bad, surprised at how light the traffic has been. One thing to note was when I was doing the '10's' I had pulled up a stop on the route. I did not pay much attention until the bus came the other way and stopped. He could not get past due to a car parked opposite the school and on double yellow lines. We both gave a gentle toot on the horn only to be met with a mouthful of abuse. On closer inspection the 'lady' was on her mobile phone. By the time she had finished her life and death conversation the queue was way up the hill. I expect she is one of the protesters who complain about 'other' people speeding past the school!!!!

19 Apr 2008

The Coach won't go

Today was 'Street Up' So empty from Bath Depot to Street. Nice drive out that way all across the Mendip's. Stopped at my usual lay-by to get my passenger list and set the destination etc. As I pulled away there was a noise which sounded like a flat tyre, but louder, much louder. The coach got slower, and stopped dead. It seemed like the brakes had stuck on. Contacted the depot and they said a replacement coach would be out to me within the hour. Finally got going in the replacement 55 minutes late. Apologies all the way to Bath. Change of driver here and after loading the passengers he got away 30mins late. Still haven't found what the trouble was. Rest of the day spent on the '17' bus around Bath. Off now for a week!!

12 Apr 2008

Uncle Christopher

Not a bad week and now off until Tuesday. had a bit of fun with passengers though. Had a problem with the seat belt so was late leaving the depot. Should have left Bath at 0645 but finally got going at 0700. Should have 8 passenger's but only 5 showed up! Ran control to let them know and began to reverse. A chap comes running across the road waving his hands, as you know the rules are very clear, once you have begun to move that is that. Any way he got very angry and used various words and signs! I would have understood if I had been on time but to turn up 15mins late is a bit much. The next thing was the next stop there were 2 people waiting. I stopped to check if they were waiting for the bus or me. It was for me, I informed the gent that as they should have been at Bath their seat had possibly been resold. he went mad saying that he had paid and they should be able to get on anywhere they liked. (I wish people would read the T & C) anyway lucky for him I had 2 seats available.
We have a very happy event in our family. My Sister gave birth to a baby girl last night. Both are well and my Parents are very proud Grandparents.

7 Apr 2008

Drivng in the snow

Sunday started off good, rode in on the bike and arrived at work just as the snow started. Headed off towards Swindon. Just as I left the M4 at j16 the snow started. visibility was only about 50m! Got to Swindon Bus station and loaded up.By this time the roads were completely covered and had become VERY slippery. The M4 was something else. I think I can say I have never driven on roads that bad. There were no part of the road visible and the only way to drive was down the rumble strip at 20mph!!! I thought the conditions would improve. Instead they got worse. It was not until we got to j6 that the road reappeared. The rest of the journey was better but still only 2 lanes of the motorway available. The journey back was the complete opposite. Bright sunshine and no snow!!

3 Apr 2008

How to drive on a Motorway

Found this information on the Highways Agency website. They should be shown on prime time TV.

View Video

A36 Closure

For those that travel these parts you may like to know the A36 is closed a Limpley Stoke. This is a main route from the South. It has created some very large tailbacks. The local council has publised a map showing the diversion route. it can be found here. Diversion route

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