Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

4 Jul 2010

Busy world

Busy few days, replaced the chain on the bike. It was to say the least, worn out. There should be little side ways bend in a chain, this one made a very nice arc! Anyway that should be it for another 10-15000Km. The only thing I have to do on the bike now is replace the Rev counter cable which has snapped. Going to try and just replace the inners to save some money.
Yesterday was the Team leaders training for New Wine in London. Went up by train and had a very pleasant journey. However arriving at Paddington I became aware of how lucky I am to live in a relativity quite part of the country. I cannot remember how long it is since I have been in such a busy place. To see  that amount of people rushing about was scary to say the least! I had to make my way from Platform 1 over to 12. Anyway made it without having a nervous breakdown and caught the train to Ealing. Had someone pick me up so saved the one mile walk to the office. The training was interesting and I feel  more relaxed at taking on the ream Leader role and it was good to see familiar faces. One major problem I have is remembering people's names, I am trying to write them down as I meet people and see if that works! However, one thing I learned form the training is to focus on your strengths, so that is what I will do. Late's this week at work so no early alarm call, that comes the week after where I start at 0438!!


Stephen said...

Off topic: Have you watched Rev. on BBC2 . I really like this new situation comedy and I thought you may like it regardless of the liturgy adopted at St. Nicholas.

Chris G4KVI said...

yes I did, I did miss the first one but this weeks was very good. Like all situation comedies has it base in reality. It did make me laugh and I look forward to the ones to come.

Stephen said...

Glad that you are enjoying it too. The best line this week was when Adam tells Darren that he cannot take over St Saviour's next week because Adam provides a sacrament and NOT a show!

The first week was about the many parents who suddenly attend church purely to gain points so that their child may have a place in a faith school that is doing well in the league tables. Those parents do ANNOY me.

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