Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

27 Jun 2011

First day at school

As you know I am, for the next few weeks working out of the Hengrove Depot driving 904 Park and Rides.It was a pretty good day but did feel like the first day at school, or at the very least in a new job. It was interesting to see how things can be the same but so different. The ticket machines are different and the layout of the duties are slightly different. The vehicles are also equipped with radio's.Apart from accidentally pressing the button I did not use it. However, there was an all vehicle broadcast informing us of a road closure. Back in Bath drivers would have been left to find out for themselves with all the problems that causes. Anyway looking forward to the next few week with a fixed duty 0715 - 1515.

25 Jun 2011

Change of scenery

Bit of a change for the next few months. Been asked/volunteered to work on the Brislington 904 Park & Ride. This will be working out of the Hengrove Depot. There ate four of us and we spent yesterday route training and looking at the depot etc. It is like stating a completely new job! Different area, people, vehicles, ticket machines and technology. Start on Monday so will be interesting to see how I get on.

Drunk and an accident

Like most jobs Bus Driving can, for the most part be pretty mundane.But then there are other times where 'weird' doesn't really cover it. The other day fits the 'weird'  category.
Started off with traffic delays so had to push on to make up time. Arrived at a timing pint bang on time 0857. I opened the doors to be greeted with a gent, who to say the least was a little 'tipsy'. Company rules state that we should not carry drunks, this gent was so intoxicated that there was no way he was getting on the bus. 'Do you take visa?' he asked I replied that we do not. the reply was a barrage of various obscene words. I then noticed that he had in one hand an open can of beer and in the other a petrol can, all that was required was a lighted cigarette!! After a few minutes of this and another passenger telling him to .... off he disappeared.
As I went to restart the bus it shuddered. I assumed it was said drunk and ignored it  . Few seconds latter a car appeared and stopped in front. A lady got out and said she was sorry. For what I thought. The penny then dropped, she had run into the back of me! The result was a far amount of damage to her car  including a punctured tyre. She seem to put her hands up to it and I gave her the paperwork to fill in and as a gentleman did at least loosen the wheel nuts.

16 Jun 2011

The metal stays

Busy day off today. Trip to the local hospital to have the ankle looked at. It has been giving me some trouble for a while, both with movement and clicking. I had visions that the pins had come loose. Anyway after a faily short time in Paulton hospital it turns out that the clicking is caused by scar tissue and the movement problems is caused by and Achilles tendon that is so tight you could play a tune on it! I did ask about the metal work staying or going and as the bolts go through the bone it would be a major problem to take them out. Definitely a case of 'it ain't broken don't fix it''  Next job was an oil change on the bike. I tried to undo the sump plug myself but it proved to be impossible to undo so it was a trip to the local dealer who did it for a very fair price. It also gave  me a chance to check the fly screen I fitted yesterday. Working tomorrow then off until Tuesday.

11 Jun 2011


On holiday at present and thanks to the Lord, had a few days down in Torquay. We stayed at a complex where Fiona has been going line dancing for a number of years. It was an 'all inclusive' deal and it was a very pleasant stay. Entertainment was great and it was a change not to be with a group. Birthday tomorrow and I am joining up with Fiona and her line dancing friends tomorrow.
Spent some time cleaning the bike and it now looks a lot better. I can never understand people not keeping things clean. It does not look like it has been cleaned for years and it would only have taken a jet washing every once in a while to have kept it looking good. Getting used to it and pleased that I get nearly 60mpg out of it. Only problem is that I can not get the sump plug off so am going to pay my local dealer before I round off the nut!

 It also provides a warm spot for Felix the cat.

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