Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

29 Apr 2012


One of the things about Bus driving is that you work shifts. That is not working a fixed 9-5. Some weeks you may be working 0500-1400 the next 1400-0000. I have always worked in jobs that have shifts in some way so have got used to it. In fact it can be very handy having time off in the week as I hate shopping or driving on a Saturday. I currently work on a 'Long Duty' which is around the 50 hours a week or 10 hour day. These do not have any real early starts, so suit me. However, there have been some duty changes recently which mean I am stuck on the same duty for two weeks. Apart from the Park and Ride work I did last year in Bristol I cannot remember working the same hours for this length of time. Also it is a 0919-2002 duty which is a real pain as it leaves no time for much else apart from work and sleep. Still it will come to an end and I have a job and you never know I might get to like it and change to a fixed duty.. Eh. don't think so.

16 Apr 2012

At Last

For those that live near me or drive past will notice I always seem to be pumping my front motorcycle tyre up. I suspected the valve was faulty and planned to take it to my local dealer for replacement. Anyway my hand was forced today when I could not get any air in to it.Took it to the dealer, turns out there was some corrosion around the valve and a slight nick in the rim which was causing the slow puncture. Anyway £10 latter I had an inner tube fitted so tomorrow I will have the ritual tyre pumping.

13 Apr 2012

Major Radoworks in Bath

If you are thinking of coming to Bath from 14th April 2012 then maybe think again. Below are details of the closure of one of the main bridges into the city. The next three weeks are going to be fun!


Notice is hereby given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended intends to make an order the effect of which will be to close temporarily to vehicles and pedestrians the entire length of Churchill Bridge, between A36 Lower Bristol Road & A367 Broad Quay.

This order is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road consequent upon bridge deck refurbishment and will be operative from the 14th April 2012 for a maximum period of six months. However, the restrictions may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for TWENTY ONE DAYS.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTEMotorised Vehicles- clockwise- A36 Lower Bristol Road, A36 Claverton Street, A367 Wells Road, A36 Lower Bristol Road, A36 Pines Way, B3118 Midland Bridge Road, A367 Green Park Road, A357 Avon Street, A367 Corn Street, A367 St James Parade, A367 Southgate Street, A367 Broad Quay. Anticlockwise- A367 Broad Quay, A367 Green Park Road, B3118 Midland Bridge Road, A36 Pines Way, A36 Lower Bristol Road.
For Pedestrians- A36 Lower Bristol Road, Southgate Footbridge, Broad Quay (cyclists who wish to use pedestrian diversion route will be required to dismount before using the Southgate Footbridge).

6 Apr 2012

Good Friday

Well I did not take part in the Walk of Witness today as I have been having some problems with my ankle.I did feel a little guilty considering that Jesus walked up to four miles with a large cross after being flogged and beaten which he was then hung on until he was dead. However, the outdoor service was pleasant and provided a time of reflection on what God does for us. There was also a time after for lunch and a time of fellowship. As I said before I am working Easter Day which hopefully will be quiet as no shops are open.

5 Apr 2012


Worked half day today as a 'Rest Day' 318/319 to Cribbs Causway and back. Very quiet as we are now into the Easter holidays. I am off tomorrow Good Friday and plan to take part in a walk of witness. This is where Christians re-enact the walk Jesus made with his cross to where he was crucified.
Unfortunately I have work both Saturday and Sunday. A little annoyed about the Sunday as it is properly the most important day in the Christian calendar. This is is the day when Jesus rose from the dead. This one day gives us the knowledge that we to will rise again and live forever. Some people will say how can you work? why do you nor refuse on religious grounds? the reason is that I knew when I started the job this would be the case and my view is that I am on this earth to do Gods work so by working Easter Sunday I will be helping people to attend church, see their families therefore carrying out the work of God. Happy Easter to you all. 

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