Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

14 Aug 2012

Blogger or??

One of my fellow Bloggers and drivers, has just posted his last Blogger post. Shame as his views were sometimes the opposite to me and at times really made me look at my beliefs. So this made me think is it worth carrying on on Blogger given that Facebook and Twitter have taken a more central role in peoples on-line lives. The answer is. Of course it is who else would listen to rants and raves? So back to should I go or should I stay? Well I am staying, but my posts, thanks to http://dlvr.it/ s appear on my face book page and I am now trying out Goggle+. I am on Twitter but as yet can find no real use for it, but give it time. Also this page gives me chance to show what I find interesting and show links to other blogs and in fact I use it as my home page.

13 Aug 2012

What a week

Home now after one of the best, varied, stimulating, fun and thought provoking weeks of my life. I am currently watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics and getting a little emotional. I have been extremely privileged to work with the best group of drivers, controllers and spectator assistants. Together we have provided the best transport system I think this country has ever seen. Although there have not been the expected number of spectators we have ensured they all had a fantastic experience even before they had seen any sailing events, and even on the day with no wind they all left with smiles on their faces. So what next? it is back to work in Bath from tomorrow but I hope to take,in part many of the processes that were in place in Weymouth and try and ensure all my passengers journeys exceed their expectations. Obviously there will be the tickets, journey times, traffic to contend with but I hope the experiences of Weymouth and London will show what can be done given a little effort and a hand shack with 'thanks mate for today'. I have a few photos which I have put on Facebook. You can see some here

If you want to see some more details on the operations in Weymouth this is an excellent source

10 Aug 2012

The week so far

Here we are with three days to go. I have enjoyed my time here more than I expected. Amazing though it may seem this is the longest I have been away on my own so that has been difficult at times,It has though been a privilege to work with some great people and be in some way involved in people being able to be a part of the greatest show on earth. Yesterday was a little of a downer because of the lack of wind, hence no sailing. However, everyone I saw seems to have enjoyed the experience and many will be back today when hopefully they will see more Team GB medals.

7 Aug 2012

First Day

First day of driving down in Weymouth and a pretty relaxed one. Have an hour coach ride to work and back which is across some pleasant countryside. Was a little nervous driving new routes in a 'strange' town but it all went well. Great to have a large team loading and unloading, also great to have so many smiling faces looking at me, certainty puts you in a good mood.Traffic was fairly heavy today as it was surfing today. Only problem was a bus fire on the bridge, not one of ours and only minor. So more of the same tomorrow.

6 Aug 2012

Training Day

Back from a long training day in and around Weymouth. Lots of information to take in and been round all the routes we will be driving, including diversion routes. I just hope I can remember them all. However, the working is pretty relaxed and everyone seems happy to help.The bus fleet is all '12' plate Volvo B9 which of cause makes for a pleasant drive. I will upload photos to my Facebook account.

4 Aug 2012

Back from New Wine

Just back a from New Wine. Bit of a strange week this year. I have not really been able to get in to it as much as I usually do. I think this is the fact I only did one week and have the week at the Olympics still to come. However, I still enjoyed it and met some great people with fantastic testimonies. We had the usual jobs to do, patrol, venues gates etc. The usual lost children and found parents to deal with. We also had some very heavy ran which left a lot of tents under water. We did our best to direct the water away from tents but given the volume and speed of the rain in many cases it was a lost cause and the only thing to do was remove the tents in the waters path. It is a times like these that the true Christian spirit really shows through with offers of tents and bedding from around the camp-site. We also had a visit from the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. This required most stewards being deployed around the show ring to enable it to land without any campers wandering into it's path. The crew then had what seem an exciting trip on a buggy to the patient. So now to look forward to this week and my Olympic duties down in Weymouth.

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