Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

27 Nov 2018

New weather station

Well, the New weather station turned up. Very good as it connects directly to the internet so is easy to upload to Weather Underground. Unfortunately,this means I can no longer upload to my website or to APRS. Once the weather improves I will find a permanent home for it. I will continue to investigate how I can use the data again.

23 Nov 2018

Weather station

Unfortunately my weather station that has served me well for many years has finally bitten the dust. The cost of replacing the transmitter is not viable. I have found a rather nice Black Friday deal. This seems rather too good to be true. We will see if it arrives on Tuesday.

29 Aug 2018

Off Sick again

Find myself off sick again. This time with some serious rheumatic problems. This is one of many ills over the last few years. However, it seems I may now have the answer to all these problems. Following a change of habit I made a visit to the doctor. I was referred to the hospital and after some tests it was discovered I have Ulcerated Colitis. Apart from the obvious, this also affects the white blood cells which can attack the joints leading to extreme pain and stiffness. I struggled on with this for several weeks but the pain and inability to carry out basic things like putting on clothes and sleeping, finally saw me off work. The Doctor had been reluctant to put me on steroids due to it affecting hospital tests. However the situation got to the point where they were the only option. They have had an almost instant effect. Hopefully now I can talk to the doctor about getting back to work. I still have a visit to the hospital to find a long term solution. I have to say I am pleased that I have now found the reason I have had so many aliments over the last few years.

13 Aug 2018

Home from New Wine

Sitting at home after what must be the best New Wine ever. I believe that after last year we were being blessed for our perseverance! God clearly gave me peace despite feeling very ill at times. I saw God working in people and situations. One situation will stay with me forever and blew me away. So, as I sit here with the sound of resurfacing vehicles what does this year hold? Well of course we will not be back at Shepton as next year we move to Peterborough. This seems to have excited many people. We are currently purchasing the house we live in but even that has not stressed me, yet. So, I am excited to see what the Lord has planned for us.

5 Aug 2018

All equal in the sight of God.

Here we are on the first day of week 2. Week one flashed by, helped of course by the tremendous weather. This seems to have kept incidents to a minimum and a really good atmosphere around the site. The stewarding team has been rather smaller than some years, but the incredible  team spirit and the way the team has gelled was very inspiring. This two weeks is the time I give to God. He guides and helps me throughout the year and this is the time I give to him and recharge my spiritual batteries. I also look for a word he has for  me and this week it seems to be 'we are all equal in the sight of God' An example of this was today when some of the leaders joined us. It was thought provoking to see such a varied group of people all working together and more importantly looking out for each other in the extreme heat and dust. I look forward to what he has to say the rest of the week. It is also the last New Wine at Shepton Mallet as next year it is moving to Peterborough so we will all be newbies.

12 Jun 2018

Thank You

A big thank you do all the Birthday wishes. Unfortunately I was working today, but enjoying a couple of beers this evening as I have tomorrow off. However, had a fantastic day yesterday in Torquay with an excellent lunch by the harbour. Today, being 55 also signals some big changes in our life with a house purchase on the top of the list. Also with the new business venture some exciting times to come.

6 Jun 2018

A very sad day

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Harvey, our fifteen year old collie cross passed away this afternoon. We have had for fourteen years, and being a rescue dog he seemed to appreciate every day. His end was dignified and stress free with both of us by his side. We look forward to the day when we will see him again.

31 Mar 2018

Easter day

Tomorrow is properly the most important day in the Christian calendar. It is day we remember the miracle of Christ's resurrection, giving us the promise that we will all have eternal life with him in heaven. Unfortunately I am working, hopefully given, that all the shops are shut it will be a peaceful day.
Tomorrow is also the day I officially take my place as the Unite Equality Rep for the Wells depot. Interesting that this is on the day when I am remembering Jesus, and what his views were on equality.

Happy Easter      He is Risen!

Weather station problems

Weather station has been working fine for a while but unfortunately it has suffered a failure of the wind speed and rain gauge. These use a read switch and magnet, these seem to have broken. I have found a anemometer which I hope to fit next week. The rain gauge I am still trying to source one that does not have £35 postage!

30 Mar 2018

Com Port problems with WSJT

Question for my radio friends. I am trying to run WSJT on my TS-50. Works fine with manual switching, but I have tried to use the usb to serial port. It works, but when in TX the PTT opens and when in RX the PTT closes!! Anyone know how to change the polarity of the RTR signal?

Good Friday

Good Friday today. Strange you may say as this is the day we remember when Jesus was crucified. A particularly cruel and public way the Romans had of putting criminals to death.Yesterday I attended a quiet service to remember the last supper. I will not go in to this, but you can read more in Matthew 26.
Today, you may see groups of people walking with a cross. This is know as a walk of witness. This is not only an opportunity to remember Jesus on the cross, but also a chance to show our faith to others.
Jesus tells us to be a witness of him. This, I have to say in where I struggle a bit. This of course is when Satan steps in and tells me it is fine to speak or act like that as everyone else does it. At this point prayer is a vital weapon. As someone once told me.'When you carry the Bible, Satan gets a headache. When you open the Bible Satan gets a headache, When you read the Bible he gets a migraine and runs away.

28 Mar 2018

Have I missed someting?

All over the news today are reports on plans to introduce a deposit scheme on plastic bottles. I have a better idea. You buy a drink in a plastic bottle and when you've used it place it in a container. Once a week you place said container outside your house and if you're lucky a lorry comes along and takes your bottle to a recycling centre.
OK, all joking apart I can see several things wrong with this.

  •  Can you actually remember where you bought the bottle from? 
  • Will you have to prove you bought it there?
  • What if that is several hundred miles from your home?
  • I am sure there must be some H & S regulation about handling used bottles
  • I can see the kids and adults running up and down the road on recycling day, collecting all the plastic bottles and taking them down to their local Tesco!!
 So. The question is. What point have I missed??

7 Feb 2018

Weather Site now working

Have today reactivated my weather website. This site gives you all the live data my weather station gives out. It also gives you access to weather trends data and historical data.
It can be found here Midsomer Norton Weather

Current local weather

Uk Power production

UK Electricity National Grid Status output per production type