Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

31 Dec 2011

Feeling much better

Three weeks now and feeling much more myself. Speech and vision seems to be back to normal and headaches seem to have reduced to acceptable levels. Returning to work on the 12th Jan and I must say I am looking forward to that. Still have a visit to the hospital next week so the ENT can look at the growth in my ear. The suggestion is that this was in same way the cause of the infection getting in and causing the meningitis One job to do is to get new chain and sprocket for the bike and prepare it for MOT.

27 Dec 2011

Getting there

Two weeks on since I was taken to the RUH with Meningitis.Just the word is enough to fill people with dread, the doctors left me with no illusion how ill I had been and also how lucky I had been to have someone at home who was able to call the Doctor. Fiona ended up with two rapid response vehicles, one Ambulance, and an Air Ambulance outside the house. It was planned that I would be flown to Frenchay Hospital however I became very agitated so I went by road ambulance accompanied by the Doctor. I think Fiona was quite excited as she ended up in the front of the ambulance on full 'blues and two's' The couple of days in hospital are a bit of a blue and I understand I was quite aggressive. I was pumped full of Anti-biotic s and slowly began to feel better. I did find though that I had some problems with my speech and some problems with hand eye coordination skills, I still have these but they are improving. However I am still finding the tiredness a problem. Have been out on the bike today but think it may have been a step to far to soon.Sick note runs out next week but think I may need some more time, I also have to see the ENT department as the CT Scan showed a growth in my ear which they want to investigate. I hope my experience will help reduce some of the dread Meningitis leaves.

23 Dec 2011

It's the .........

Beginning to feel much better, still need the occasional sleep in the day but seem to be able to function better. Watching the TV I am always amazed that the press always report the Christmas traffic as the something. This year they say less people are travelling because of the lack of snow and the price of fuel, we had the usual reporters popping up and interviewing drivers still we have to fill the news up somehow!!

21 Dec 2011

Taking it easy

Little scared today so a visit to the Doctor. Good news in that the odd vision and headaches is a symptom of the the various tablets I am taking and will improve over time. Today has been better today but yet again told that I must rest and listen to my body Putting up the decorations and trying to make the home look Christmasy.

20 Dec 2011

Very Tired

First full day at home and struggling a bit. Still have headaches and some problems with my vision, these will improve over the next few weeks, I was also warned that I would be very tired and again that is going to take some weeks to improve and I have been sighed off work until at least the 4th Jan. So jobs know take a little longer than usual.

19 Dec 2011

A little ill

Been in the Royal United Hospital again. This time turned out to be a little serious. I had a problem with my ears for a while and last weekend we were due to visit both sets of parents and my Sister. We made it to mine on the Saturday but I was a little unwell with a severe Headache. We made it home but Sunday the Headache got to the point where an emergency doctors visit was required, they thought I had perforated eardrum.Prescribed Antibiotics and sent me home.Monday arrived and rapidly became very unwell with headache,sore neck and sickness. I also became very confused and speaking rubbish. Fiona rang for a Doctor and the next I knew was that I was being taken to the park where an Air Ambulance was waiting! I missed out on a ride as I was too confused and agitated. So it was a blue light job to the RUH where it was discovered I was suffering from a form of Meningitis. I spent until Wednesday in a fairly confused state until the Antibiotics cut in. I am now home where I have to take things very easy for a few weeks.

3 Dec 2011

That's Britain

That's Britain is a new BBC programme which give us the chance to sound off about things we love and hate. the first two programmes have had a couple a things I have a personnel interest in. The first was on bringing back Bus Conductors. it seems a lot of people would like to see them back. Their reasons seem to revolve around unruly behaviour and that the driver has no control. I have to say I have had very few problems with passengers as I firmly believe it is YOUR attitude and behaviour that sets the tone for the passengers. I think it would take a lot to bring Conductors back as buses are designed for 'single man' operation. The second feature was on doorstep milk deliveries. We have had milk delivered for several years now and with the arrival of the Milk and More website can change our order any time up to 2100 at night. One thing we found was that our weekly spend on food went down. How often have you gone to a shop for milk and come out with just milk?

24 Nov 2011


Called to the Doctors today to discuss the results of the blood tests. It seems that I have Type 2 Diabetes which now needs to be controlled with medication. The tablets  I have been prescribed are the common Metformin. I have to say it will take a while to get used to the fact but I am trying to learn as much as I can about it and how I can possibly reduce any future problems. One major thing I was worried about was of course my job. I was under the impression that once I started tablets I would have to go for a DVLA medical and if I got to the point of requiring Insulin I would not be able to drive, at all. However, it seems the rules have changed as of the 15th and you can now, subject to some criteria even drive while Insulin dependent. I have already notified DVLA but it looks like I will need to notify them of the change of status. Full details of the current regulations cab be found here.

15 Nov 2011

T & C's

Came across this on the company web site. I wonder how many passengers have read this or even realise they are bound by it. It makes for VERY interesting reading.


New Tyre

The thread on the rear tyre of the bike has become a little low and I have been putting off it's replacement for a while but bit the bullet today and had a trip over to Frome Bike Breakers to have a nice new one fitted. I was a little surprised to see just how low the thread had become and it properly explains the tendency for the bike to follow the lines in the road. Need to run the tyre in but the ride back from Frome was a lot better than the ride there!! Now need to save some money to have the chain and sprockets replaced but that will properly be after Christmas.

9 Nov 2011

Finally got me

For those that don't me I suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. I have had this for a few years and only found out through an unconnected blood test. However, it has  never caused me any problems and I had pretty much forgotten about it. Until now that is. The last couple of weeks has seen me very tired, which I put down to work. Having to visit the loo a lot and not sleeping well. Fiona has had Type 2 for a long time so we have a blood sugar meter in the house. My level is usually around 7 but  it has been down to 4 and up to 12. So a trip to the doctor was arranged and a quick 'dip test' shown high levels of glucose. Now waiting for full blood test but it looks like I will be going down the road to medication.

25 Oct 2011

Clip up for Conor

Watching our local news last night there was a report on a moped rider who died because he had not clipped his helmet up. It would appear that it is not considered 'cool' to clip your helmet up!
I have always been amazed at the lack of safety precautions moped riders take. I am also amazed that the families also seem to be unaware just how vulnerable you are on two wheels. It seems that as they only go 30mph they do no see the point of wearing even basic safety gear. I am living prove that serious injury can occur  even when travelling at low speeds. I always wear as an absolute minimum, helmet (done up) gloves (leather), Jacket (with armour), boots (leather above ankle).
So if you know a young (or not so young) two wheel user make sure they take some care and have some respect for the road and the fact that it can bite.


24 Oct 2011

Bus Crash

I will not say to much about this. I have my own views on routes and the dangers that lay in them. However, it would seem that there has been a very lucky escape and it would appear that there have not been any serious physical injuries. However, I can only imagine what mental scars will be left on the driver and passengers.


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