Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

26 Apr 2007

Indicators & Bluetooth

Not a great deal to report but thought these might be interesting. Have you seen these people with Bluetooth headsets? They have them on while walking round the shops driving the car etc with the must have little blue flashing light. I have a bluetooth but only put in on when my phone rings which it only ever does once or twice a day. I wonder if these people think they will be save from the radiation from their phone (not proven) or just want to look a bit flash (pratish) any way it looks very silly and I even saw a women in Tesco last week, she really did look silly.

Indicators are put on a vehicle so you can tell other road users what you intentions are. So if you see a bus with it's right hand indicator on THINK VERY HARD BEFORE OVERTAKING!!!
It also can mean there is an obstruction ahead a other hazard. Yesterday I was trying to pull out of Bath and another driver stopped and in the usual way put his right hand indicator on. As I pulled out a women in a Peugeot flew out from behind the bus and might me in the middle. Remember I am 42ft long 11ft 11in high and 8ft 4.5in wide so not the easiest thing to move. Any way I got the evil eye and a mouthful of abuse. She was lucky it was not her elderly Mother who was trying to cross the road!!!!

22 Apr 2007

Driving Postion

Pretty straight forward few days even had a coach with a new seat (sounds sad!!!)

Anyway question of the day. How do some people drive?? Going through the roadworks at J10 saw a lady with her seat so far forward her chest was resting on the stearing wheel!! This meant her elbows were also resting on the stearing wheel. I hope she was not around if there was an accident because I can not see how she would be able to steer properly. It is another example of lack of correct teaching that seems to be lacking.

19 Apr 2007

New Driver rules

Forgot to say that as from April 11th 2007 there were changes to the rules under which I drive.
They can be viewed (if you interested!!!) at New Tacho Rules

18 Apr 2007

Cutting the grass

Two days off so out in the garden today. Cut the grass and tidied the flower beds. Well attacked them with the strimmer. Still it does look a lot better and as we are the corner house it can be a bit embarrassing to have a untidy garden. Especially when my neighbour does not have a blade out of line!!

Harvey enjoyed himself watching the world go by. Off in to Bath soon to help Fiona choose some glasses and then up to the Uni to have a look at GB3UB the Bath 70cm amateur radio repeater.

16 Apr 2007

A little warm

Been a bit hot last few days and passenger numbers have been high. Today was the first day back to work for many so a little slow into London, but on time. Had a little demo of what happens when you do not look ahead. Two lorries overtaking al the cars move to lane three and bang. They may be more careful next time. Late start tomorrow so will go into Bath and get Fiona's birthday present. Also have an NVQ meeting as well.

10 Apr 2007

Very good day

Bank Holiday Monday. Not usually the best day traffic wise particularly going back into London. All was well until a phone call from control to say the M4 was shut!!! So we went off down the lanes and to Hungerford joined the A4 and rejoined the M4 at J13. Passengers as usual got a bit panicked. Worrying we word be late. However, much to my surprise we arrived at Heathrow ON TIME.

Coming back my inbound coach didn't turn up until 1930. I was supposed to leave at 1900!!! Still traffic levels were very low so only 15 minutes late at Heathrow. By the time we got to Bath we were back on time. It was off down to Street via Wells. Good trip down and back to Bath on time.

Two days off now and time spent with my Nephew James and Harvey the dog.

8 Apr 2007

Happy Easter

A very Happy Easter to those that might read this. very nice day here today with sun all day. Busy day yesterday but managed to get home on time so happy with that. My parents came down today plus my godson so had a nice lunch and went to the park with Harvey who had great fun chasing the ball. Back to work tomorrow and as it is a Bank Holiday extra pay!!. I think it will be a busy day so look forward to that!!

6 Apr 2007

Busy Day

Have had a good couple of days. Yesterday I was due to do city bus work. Not my favourite but it makes a change means I get a good lunch and know what time I will finish. However had a phone call and was asked if I could do the 0645. Fine thanks more money so a trip to London it was. Not too busy on the roads given that it was the day before Easter ran about 20mins late. Today had Frome up. Usually not too busy, not today, full bus not much traffic untill we got to Victoria and had to queue to get into Victoria. Not to bad a trip back again about 20mins down.

2 Apr 2007

Slow and luggage

I do wonder if any one reads their tickets. had a pick up at Earls court. The ticket clearly states 'hand luggage only' I arrived with another coach behind and between us had 10 passengers. And all with luggage. I resolved my situation because the bags were just small enough. The other driver dis not take his. Therefore always read the ticket!!!

Friday which i thought would be good was bad,very bad delays all over. Saturday and Sunday were good. Had the overnight so a bit of city work before and after and a night in London. Good thing all the roads were quiet and no problems any where.

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