Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

13 Nov 2010

Front Fog Lights

Ok this is one of  my real pet hates and I make no apology for going on about it.
Front fog lights, the clue is in the name!
These lights are not to make you look cool and to show off to your mates, they are only to be used when visibility is below 100m. Having driven for over 30years I can count on one hand how many times I have driven in visibility that low. They are designed to light the road at a very low level and prevent the glare that comes with using headlights which tend to reflect off the fog.

Rule 114 of the Highway Code states:

  • use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders
  • use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced. You MUST switch them off when visibility improves to avoid dazzling other road users (see Rule 226)

Now if you the many people who think the Highway code is note for you THE LAW states:

The Law: The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989:

Reg 27. No person shall use, or cause or permit to be used, on a road any vehicle on which any lamp, hazard warning signal device or warning beacon of a type specified in an item in column 2 of the Table below is used in a manner specified in that item in column 3:

Front fog lamp
(a) Used so as to cause undue dazzle or discomfort to other persons using the road.

(b) Used so as to be lit at any time other than in conditions of seriously reduced visibility.

(c) Used so as to be lit when a vehicle is parked.

Rear fog lamp
(a) Used so as to cause undue dazzle or discomfort to the driver of a following vehicle.

(b) Used so as to be lit at any time other than in conditions of seriously reduced visibility.

(c) Save in the case of an emergency vehicle, used so as to be lit when a vehicle is parked."

If stopped by the Police this carry's a fixed penalty notice and a £30 fine also I took this from out local Police website.

During conditions of seriously reduced visibility vehicles on the road, except when parked, must have Front and rear fog lamps should only be used in conditions of fog or falling snow or seriously reduced visibility. It is important that they are turned off as soon as visibility improves. Front and rear fog lamps are designed to be seen in reduced visibility and will dazzle other road users in normal conditions. It is an offence to use fog lamps in normal visibility conditions and drivers who continually use their fog lamps, because it is considered by some to be fashionable, could be prosecuted for driving without due consideration for other road users.
So what to do with these people. Firstly a flash on the headlights to remind them to switch them off (they could have been left on by accident??) Tell all your friends about it so the message gets through like it has with rear fog lights.
I thought it would be good to have a Facebook event on the 24th November to highlight this.
To end here are some sites which talk about Fog Lights.




So please pass the message on and make sure YOU comply with the law.


Stephen said...

The only message these fog light abusers will take on board is the £30 fixed penalty ticket - they will ignore all other efforts of persuasion.

There is another pet hate that I think you may share. Drivers who are stationary with their brakes lights on because they are so lazy to apply the handbrake.

Chris G4KVI said...

I deleted that part from the highway code but it also mentions that as well. However I will put my hands up to that one especially when driving a Volvo B7 with a 5 second handbrake delay. Complete pain as people think you have stopped and try to overtake!!!

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