Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

30 May 2007

Bath Bus station moving

For those that do not know Bath is undergoing a major rebuilding. Much of the old 1960's concrete has been demolished to make way for a new Bus station, shops and offices. All much more pedestrian and disabled friendly. As with all developments there has been a far amount of 'discussion' and disruption.
The most important step for me is that as of 17th June the existing Bus Station in Manvers Street will move to a temporary location (2 years) at Avon Street. Therefore if you are traveling on or after this date give yourself lots of extra time to find the new station, park the car etc.

Here is a link to a map which should help.

Passengers and tips for easy coach travel.

I do not normally moan about passengers but sometimes I feel that some need a good smack to remind them to behave like adults and not children. On Monday I was charted for 86 boarding passengers at Bath. That is a lot and requires a bit of planning to make sure we get away on time. So, as I had a 'dupe' I thought it best that as passengers arrived we loaded the coach up until full and he could go on his merry way. However some passengers had other ideas. Comments like 'we want to sit together' said a group of ten. 'I want to go on the empty coach' which would be empty for long!! 'are you sure this coach is going to London' It got worse because of the numbers we had to make sure we had all seat taken. So double checks were made, we found people had got off to have a fag, get a drink etc. In the end it worked out and we got away on time and even had a few spare seats. But things would have been much easier had passengers listen to the drivers and realize that sometimes you cannot always do what you want. hat said here are some tips to ensure you have a pleasant trip.

  1. Turn up on time. At least 10 mins before departure.
  2. If you are a group and want to sit together get there even earlier, and ask the driver.
  3. Remember is you at the front of the queue your bad will be last off.
  4. Always try to book your ticket id advance.
  5. If you have an open return, remember this is only on a standby basis.

There hope that helps. Off today, good job as I have a terrible cold and it is pouring down with rain.

27 May 2007

Busy Day

Very busy Saturday. Weather was good most of the time apart from some very heavy showers. had a load of Bristol Rovers fans on the way back very good humored as the team had won their way up to divisionone.
Just sitting here the rain is pouring down so will have to take a coat.

26 May 2007

Bank Holiday Traffic

Very busy yesterday. Everyone seemed to heading west (towards to rain!!!!) Took 1hour 15mins to get from Victoria to Heathrow. Then very slow all the way to junction 11. Once we got past there it was foot down and managed to make up some time but only just made it back to Bath within the driving hours. Hope today is a little better.

24 May 2007

Hot Day

Nice day in London today. Little hot but found a new cafe for lunch. Very busy both with passengers and on the roads.

21 May 2007

Time keeping

Nice few days, very early starts but that does mean I get home early. Usual problems with people on the roads not following the highway code but that is life.
Bit of a cock up Sunday. Arrived for my duty and wondered why the passengers looked a bit twitchy. It was only when I rang control for the passengers numbers I realized the coach left 15mins before I thought it did!! No problems though and even with a full coach we arrived in London on time.
Have three days off now and apart from the usual domestic duties, grass cutting etc, I will be installing the new aerials on GB3UB. All very exiting

12 May 2007


Pretty quite last few days. Due to have 5 days off but had a phone call asking me to cover the 'overnight'. Didn't do the city work so made a change, just turn up drive the coach, sleep, and drive back. Now for a moan. I hear a lot from cyclists about how car drivers do not give them much room and why are not enough cycle lanes? Well maybe when they are provided THEY COULD USE THEM and not hold up traffic, which then gets frustrated.
Fridge is stocked and going to friends for an Indian, great stuff. And no work until Tuesday.

7 May 2007

Car serviced

Managed to get the car serviced. Running well apart from the really bad ignition interference. Will have to have a good look but good to be able to pull away without stalling and start easily.

Allowing enough time

Terrible day today. Weather was, bad. Got out as far as Bathford and came across an accident. The road was blocked by Fire and Ambulance so had the prospect of reversing half a mile back down the road. Luckily as I started the road was cleared!!! Got up as far as Membury service station and had a breakdown!! Pulled into the service station and called control. Within an hour the passengers were transferred and the coach repaired. Arrived in Victoria 10 mins late. But, slight problem with the luggage and we had passengers and luggage , but not together. Should not have been a problem apart from passengers allowing 20mins to get from Heathrow Bus Station to their terminal!! Turned out OK in the end but remember to allow enough time, if in doubt allow more time. Good trip back and a nice tea with Fiona.

2 May 2007

Very Quiet and Avebury

Not much going on. Calm before the storm? One interesting thing, came up through Avebury on 1st May to see the Druids celebration around the stones. As a Christian I do not go for this type of thing but it was rather surreal to see all those people at 0630!!!
Day off today so recovering from three earlies. Hope to get the car sorted as well.

Current local weather

Uk Power production

UK Electricity National Grid Status output per production type