Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

27 Sept 2009

Sit down protest

'Street back' yesterday. Did a swap from 'Frome back' to give some more time moving. Good trip up but plenty of weekend drivers to provide the entertainment. As we when into London the passengers behind me began talking about going for a curry. As you can here conversations very clearly I asked if I could come? As we traveled along and the traffic was slow moving there was a little chatter between us. The passenger went to use the toilet, when there got back they told me that a passenger had said it was illegal to talk to the driver. Never heard that one before. However you must distract the driver of a coach or bus which like a lot (most) of UK law leaves it open to interpretation. Obviously I could drive and act completly in the rules which would mean. Not announcing what service we are on and where we are going. Not announcing stops until the vehicle has stopped and all passengers have left. Under NO circumstances use a mobile phone with passengers on. If a breakdown happens off load all passengers and await help from passing traffic. Tell all passengers to be quiet, switch all mobiles, walk mans etc off and to stay seated at all times in case they distract the driver. Black out the windows so the driver cannot be distracted by advertising boards. These all sound silly but read the law and in theory that is what it says.
That lot off my chest and back in the real world. I do not want to die or be seriously injured in an accident. So I will do NOTHING that puts me, my passengers or my vehicle in a dangerous situation. Read in to that what you will. back to packing.

23 Sept 2009

Wer'e Off

Well the day has arrived. We have finally found somewhere to live! Nice 3 bed back in Midsomer Norton. Well pleased and move in tomorrow. So all hand to the pumps and trying to press gang some help. Have next week off but would have been good to have the weekend as well but beggars cannot be chooses so will have to get the large stuff moved tomorrow and leave the little stuff for the next few evenings and mornings.

18 Sept 2009

Forgot to mention

Looked at a couple of places today. Not really suitable and one needed a LOT of TLC. So still packing and trowing out.
With all this going on I forgot to say it was my parents Golden Wedding anniversary at the weekend. Fiona and I went up for the weekend and stayed in the hotel where my Sister is a Manager, so 'mates rates'. The weekend was great the weather on Saturday was fantastic and after a very nice meal there was time to talk to family in the grounds of the Fitzwilliam Centre. This is part of St Mary and all saints Church where most of my family have been married. On Sunday my Sister had arranged a session at a local photographer. Hopefully we will have some great up to take photos of my family.
Just chilling out now, worked this morning and some one had gone sick. 'Street up' so some nice easy money.

17 Sept 2009

A bit p----d off!!

Well thought it was too good to be true. Phone call from letting agent to say the lady had decided not to let the property out! Fiona and I are not at all happy and neither is the agent. We do have another property to look at but still leaves every thing up in the air again. I do wonder what goes on in peoples heads! On a work note. Picked up the new uniform today. Very smart. So had a clear out of all the old stuff. Filled two recycling bins up.

16 Sept 2009

At last

After a lot of looking and stress we have finally found some where to live. Not the most ideal place, cosy I think is the word. Only one bedroom but at the top of the hill so some amazing views. It does have a loft so that will be a store room. So just a matter of moving out, hopefully sometime this week which will give us some lap over. On other matters, Greyhound has started so will be interesting to see how that pans out. Meeting yesterday about National Express operations in Bath. Seems that the mangement know as much as we do and with the current financial situation things can change very quickly. From my point of view with unemployment at 2.4 million having a reasonable secure job is all that matters.

8 Sept 2009

Who reads blogs?

Still have no where to live at the end of the month so things are still very stressful. I have been interested to read in the press that a number of people have been sacked for items they have put in there blogs, Facebook etc. I do know one personally who was 'called into the office' to explain a Facebook comment. I hope that nothing I put in these posts upsets anyone or breaks any company rules. So if any one from the company reads this, enjoy it and take it for what it is. Me, letting off steam!
Any way back to work things. Very quite this week, must me the lull after the holidays and people getting fully back to work. Yesterday was a bit strange. Loading chart at 2030, when I left VCS, said top load of 12! Left Heathrow with 30 and full lockers, where did they all come from!

1 Sept 2009

Only trying to help

Still both very stressed over the impending house move. Still not found anywhere and only 28 days to go. Work been Ok very quite on the roads so no delays, that will all change as the schools go back. Yesterday was the overnight back and then spare, in other words sit about waiting for something to happen, breakdown, no shows etc. I was chatting to one of the drivers when I noticed a lady striding off across the bus station. This is not a good idea especially with buses moving about. I shouted to her, expecting to get a reply of 'how do I get out?' or something along those lines. What I got was 'I am going to look at the river' I continued to tell her that it was extremely dangerous to do that and to walk around the bus station. She did finally walk back while at the same time uttering various words which repeated here would get me in to a far bit a trouble.

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