Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

30 Mar 2007

Back to work

Back to work on Wednesday and what a day. Checked Traffic master before I left. Showed M4 closed between J13 and J12. All the early coaches were late so prepared myself for the delay and diversion. Left a bit late and told all the passengers. Arrived at Swindon and was told M4 open. In the end arrived at Heathrow ON TIME!!!

Thursday was OK getting in but the traffic at 1900 was bad, really bad. Was it an accident? No, people were slowing down to LOOK AT A FILM CREW!!!!

Friday today so hopefully a bit quieter.

24 Mar 2007

Bath Half Marathon

Sunday is the Bath Half Marathon will be out with Raynet on this. Providing back up comms for the organisers. It is a long time since I have been out on an exercise so looking forward to that. Forgot to say the doctor has put me on Allopurinol for the gout. Feel a lot better and look forward to a beer latter in the week. Been asked to work on Sunday as well, one of the other drivers has gone sick so helps the company out a bit and give me some extra money. As always you will be able to track me here.

22 Mar 2007


Having a week off at the moment. Good job as my cough got worse and my gout forced me to the doctors (again) Been busy, got the grass cut and went up to see my parents and other family. Guess what, took the coach, and it wasn't bad. No stress etc. etc. Today went to have a look at the amateur radio repeaters I look after. Full report at Bath Repeaters.

17 Mar 2007

Holiday & Mothers Day

Still have the cough, so much so I am unable to visit my Mother and Mother-in-law on Sunday for Mothers day. My wife has gone up so at least she can enjoy the day. First time she has been on the Motorway for a long time so a talk on how to drive was in order. She took it all in and arrived safely. This will give me a few days to rest and cough in peace!!! I am now on holiday for a week so will spend some time having a real rest and sorting some more paper work out.

14 Mar 2007

Overnight and highway code

Was on the overnight yesterday. City bus work to start fuel the coach and then off to London. back the next day, break and then more city work, not a bad one. However yesterday someone decided to walk into the side of a bus. brought the centre of Bath to a standstill as the Police had to do investigations. I feel sorry for the driver and hope the person recovers. This however highlights the fact that no one seems to know how to cross a road. Rule 19 of the highway code states.

19: Zebra crossings. Give traffic plenty of time to see you and to stop before you start to cross. Vehicles will need more time when the road is slippery. Remember that traffic does not have to stop until someone has moved onto the crossing. Wait until traffic has stopped from both directions or the road is clear before crossing. Keep looking both ways, and listening, in case a driver or rider has not seen you and attempts to overtake a vehicle that has stopped.

20: Where there is an island in the middle of a zebra crossing, wait on the island and follow Rule 19 before you cross the second half of the road - it is a separate crossing.

However most people do not even look and it is only luck that more people are not killed. I watched someone today. He stopped at the kerb and a car was coming so he waited. the women on her mobile walked straight out giving the driver very little time to stop.

back home now and trying to clear up my cough/cold.

11 Mar 2007

Victoria Coach Station is 75 Years old.

Boy I am glad to be home and be done with 6 days of early's!!! My body is saying enough. Gout is still playing up so will have to lay off the booze and will stretch to a Chinese talk away.
Funny day today only had 10 passengers until Heathrow and no luggage. I knew it was too good to be true. By the time I left the airport i was near full and both lockers full!!!
As you can see from the title Victoria Coach Station is 75 years old and they had a rally there this weekend. There were coaches from all ages and I have the utmost respect for the guys that keep these vehicles on the road. Some were even dressed for the part so it was very good. There were also various trade stands so made a change to have something to look at. As a result of this I had to load from bay 16 which I have never done before, very easy but kept me on my toes.
I did take some pictures but there is more at Victoria Pictures

10 Mar 2007

Highway Code

A typical Saturday. On the first up today so not much traffic. But usual Saturday stuff. Seems that at weekends driver leave their brains at home. Approaching a motorway junction spotted the car joining. I am at 62mph so plenty of scope to pull away from me. No they run alongside matching my speed lane 2 is occupied so nowhere to go driver seems to think I should slow down and let him in. have they not read the highway code? It clearly states that traffic on the the motorway has right of way and joining traffic should be prepared to stop and give way!! I have seen three accidents this week involving cars and lorries which seem to have been caused by this type of driving. Also another strange thing. There are roadworks with 40 and 50 mph speed limits so people slow down to 30!! then at the end speed up to 80mph plus, all very strange.
Tomorrow up through Calne, so hope the weather is good.

7 Mar 2007

New route

Had the new route today. very nice. Started as normal to Chippenham and off down the A4 past Bowood House to Calne No one to pick so off towards Avebury very quiet on the roads and plenty of time had a chance to look at the fantastic views. One of those mornings I was glad to up at 0450!! Anyway into Avebury and past the stones, a bit narrow with the coach but very little traffic so no problems. On through Wroughton, past the science museum and into Swindon. Then on to the M4 and into London.

5 Mar 2007

Day off and new times

Day off today. had to go to doctors as gout still playing up. Have some pills to take for a few days. Also got a cold which does not help. Anyway spent the day getting some of my paperwork up to date and updating this blog. Have added a link so you can book tickets directly from the site. As a lot of you reading this are not in the UK I will try and give a little more information on the places I go through on my travels. Tomorrow is my first day back since the new timetable and fares came in so hope we have no problems.

4 Mar 2007

Church today

Well off for a few days (legal break) Worked yesterday as a 'Rest Day' so a few extra pennies in the bank. Sunday today and for a change not working so managed to get to church today. Nice service and a baptism as well. was nice to catch up on people and thank the Lord for what he does for me. Also some good news about setting up The Christians Against Poverty centre at church.

1 Mar 2007

How to book a National Express ticket

Well, not much going on last few days. Have a timetable change coming up so going on a route drive tomorrow. One thing I did think of was as customer was boarding I realized they had never travelled on a coach and had no idea of what to do.
So here is a few steps for getting from A to B.

  1. Book your ticket. You can do this on line, via mobile phone or at a travel agent.
  2. Check your ticket. Make sure date a time is correct.
  3. Arrive in good time at your departure point (at least 10mins for departure)
  4. When called hand your ticket to the driver. They will check it and either mark it or tear off the counter foil.
  5. The driver should take your luggage and load in the hold. (Please note cases over 20kg will not be loaded by the driver)
  6. Board the coach and find a seat. There are no allocated seats.
  7. Make yourself comfortable.
  8. Listen to anything the driver says.
  9. Enjoy your trip.
That was easy!!

Have a few days off now so will enjoy the break.

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