Hello and welcome to my Blog, my name is Chris, a bus driver for First Mendip based in Wells, Somerset. I am Chair and H&S rep for the depot branch of Unite the Union. Married to Fiona, we live in Midsomer Norton near Bath, with Boots the cat. My main hobby is Amateur Radio and I hold the call sign G4KVI. I am the repeater keeper for GB3UB and MB7UB. I have a fascination for the weather and all things to do with nature and science. As a Christian I worship, when shifts allow at St. Nicholas Church in Radstock. These are my observations on my life, both at work and at home.

8 Apr 2010

A bit of gardening

Well almost. Spend a very nice couple of hours sat out in the sun at a friends allotment. Obviously no digging so forced to sit in the chair and chat. Very pleasant and even had a chat with an ex-miner which was fascinating hearing about the number of coal mines there were in the area and the conditions they worked in even in fairly recent times. Any way back in the 'shack' so able to play radio and update the pc. Last night was able to go to Church house group, good to see everyone again and share fellowship with them. Ankle seems to be OK, only problem I have had is with my knee. For those that don't know me I have had 4 knee operations over the years due to a motorcycle accident in 1981 so they are a little delicate. I assume it is where I turn at night and the plaster cast catches on the duvet. Anyway seems Ok today. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow but the weather looks good.

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